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Monthly Manna - Hear God Speaking Through The Hebrew Calendar

WOO HOO! I'm excited to bring you "Monthly Manna", an in-depth teaching course where we learn about what God is STILL saying today through the Hebrew Calendar! Sign up now to receive: 💥Access to our monthly teaching video series …a once per month 45 - 60 minute video masterclass where we will go on a deep dive study into each current Hebrew month, and how it applies to our everyday life! 💥 Access into our Monthly Manna Private Facebook Group…..You get exclusive access to a community conversation with me regarding each new month, the prophetic real time application of these teachings, bonus content and downloads, and Q&As with me and other trusted hosts! 💥Also included with each monthly video masterclass is a downloadable PDF study guide containing notes, illustrations, and declarations so you can follow along with me as we go through this powerful series! 💥You will also receive a monthly email reminder on the first day of each new Hebrew month inviting you back to a new conversation! Sign up now to take this powerful journey with our community!


Monthly Manna, $9.99/month


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To sign up for the $9.99 per month teaching course, Monthly Manna, click here!

© 2024 by Jessica Robbins

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